Friday, July 26, 2013

Strange meet!!

Have read your whole life about finance, accounts and never was able to understand it or try to understand it.
What you need to really understand something then all you need is something that you can relate it to and through that you see the connection and you know in a second that you have got it!

Let's first talk about the title of this blog and see a connection there.
Well, what is family? It's a group of people who loves you, care for you.
Then what is finance? It's  collection of assets and liabilities that take care of you in your future.

what a great similarity, don't you think? All you got to do is change the angle and the picture is anew.

Say on a very fine morning you were going to work and you met a stranger and on on you talked about and found out that he was a really fun and interesting person. One evening you cancelled the family all-together dinner and felt more important to go out with your new friend to try something new. Was that fair?
Just like that a new economic resource could possibly seem like a big shinning star but only for some time, not in the long run. It takes a long time to understand about friends & enemies and the same goes for the assets.

Assets are different to different people but the determination of a economic resource is defined in how much longer will it take care of you. 
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